4th CEIMM Annual Review in Dayton, Ohio

The 4th CEIMM Annual Review was held in Dayton, Ohio, at Tec^Edge. This meeting was attended by CEIMM members, from Johns Hopkins University (JHU), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB) and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in Dayton, Ohio. The attendance also including members of the CEIMM advisory board which were invited from NASA, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Pratt & Whitney and SANDIA.

  • Day 1: CEIMM Director, Prof. Somnath Ghosh

Together, faculty members, their graduate students and researchers, interacted with their program monitors, Dr. Christopher Woodward and Dr. Craig Przybyla, as well as the AFOSR Program Manager, Dr. Ali Sayir, to review the progress of this center. Both the Chief Scientist of the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, AFRL, AFMC, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dr. Timothy J. Bunning and JHU-Whiting School of Engineering, Associate Dean for Research, Dr. Larry Nagahara made an appearance during the 2-day review.

This 2-day meeting focused on the work and collaborations performed by members of CEIMM in the areas of metals, polymers and composites. Click here for the meeting agenda.