The Institute for Computational Medicine offers an Undergraduate Minor in Computational Medicine, reflecting Johns Hopkins University’s leadership in this promising and emerging field. Like the institute itself, the Undergraduate Minor in Computational Medicine is integrative and multidisciplinary. Recent advances in modeling and computing technologies have opened the door to an array of new possibilities for identifying, analyzing, and treating human diseases. Students learn how researchers are harnessing theoretical and computational tools to apply this “new medicine” to the exploration of fundamental biological components and treatment of disease.
A collaboration of two institutions, the School of Medicine and Whiting School of Engineering, the ICM is comprised of 19 core faculty members who hold primary and joint appointments in Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Statistics (WSE); Neurosurgery, Emergency Medicine, Medicine, the Divisions of Cardiology and Health Sciences Informatics (SOM); and Health Policy and Management (BSPH). These highly acclaimed researchers act as advisors to students in the undergraduate program. The minor is well suited for students majoring in a variety of disciplines, including Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Applied Mathematics and Statistics.