PI : Tresa Pollock PhD (UCSB), Nancy Sottos PHD (UIUC), Kevin J. Hemker PhD (JHU), Lori Graham-Brady PhD (JHU), Somnath Ghosh PhD (JHU), Philippe Geubelle PhD (UIUC)
An important feature of CEIMM is the use of advanced microstructural characterization techniques to support the modeling efforts, with an emphasis on two areas. First, high-fidelity three-dimensional characterization will provide crucial information about the microstructure of heterogeneous materials on multiple length scales, particularly about “outlier” features which control extreme events but which are often impossible to characterize using traditional (2D) techniques. We are focused on the development of image-based models from the microstructural data. Second, in situ observations during loading will provide unique insights into the evolution of microstructure and defects, which can be directly compared with the model results.
Also, Creation of high fidelity 3D virtual microstructures, suitable for input into computational microstructural RVE models of polycrystalline metals and poly-phase composites, is a significant effort in CEIMM.