CEIMM June Workshop at Tec^Edge

June 11, 2013 @ 12:00 pm – June 12, 2013 @ 5:00 pm




Date: June 11-12th, 2013

Location: Tec^Edge, 5000 Springfield Street Suite 100, Dayton, Ohio 45431



Tuesday June 11


1200-1210       S. Ghosh                                                 Welcome, Meeting objectives and task delineation

1210-1230       C. Woodward, T. Breitzman            Air Force perspective on collaboration with the CEIMM academic team: Expectations on outcomes


AFRL Presentations for Information and Potential Collaboration


Microstructure (Data Acquisition, Construction)

1230-1255    M. Uchic                                                       3-D destructive microstructure characterization

1255-1320    M. Groeber/M. Uchic                               Microstructure representation: DREAM-3D

1320-1345    D. Mollenhauer, G. Schoeppner          Polymer matrix composite characterization

1345-1410    J. Schuren/P. Shade                                3-D nondestructive microstructure characterization

1410-1430    Coffee Break


Properties (Experiments and Modeling for Response)

1430-1455    T.J. Turner                                               Modeling strain distributions in polycrystals

1455-1520    D. Mollenhauer                                       PMC testing and micro-damage

1520-1545    C.  Woodward                                          DDD simulations



1545-1610    C. Przybyla                                              Probabilistic microstructure (from experiments)

1610-1635    T. Breitzman                                            Micromechanical modeling and spatial multiscaling

1635-1700    D. Dimiduk                                               Micromechanical modeling

1700-                                                                                  General Discussions



Wednesday June 12

CEIMM Academic Presentations on Proposed Tasks

820-900        S. Ghosh

(i) Summary of CEIMM academic meet in April, (ii) 3D micromechanical FE models of deformation and damage with some probabilistic models, (iii) Homogenization based up-scaled models, (iv) Damage nucleation and multi-time scaling

900-930        P. Geubelle

(i) 3D micromechanical FE models of deformation and damage, (ii) Probabilistic micromechanical modeling, (iii) Homogenization based upscaled models

930-950        J. El-Awady

(i) Discrete dislocations dynamics, (ii) Discrete polymer chain-network dynamics modeling

950-1010      L. Graham-Brady

(i) Uncertainty quantification methods, (ii) Probabilistic modeling and UQ for RVE identification

1010-1035    T. Pollock

(i) Tomography, microscale imaging and characterization, (ii) Calibration and validation testing

1035-1100    Coffee Break

1100-1125    N. Sottos

(i) Tomography, microscale imaging and characterization, (ii) Calibration and validation testing

1125-1150    K. Hemker

Micro/macro-scale experiments for model calibration and validation

1150-1200                                                    General discussions

1200-1330                                                    Lunch talks by Reji John, Jon Miller and Greg Schoeppner


CEIMM-AFRL Collaborative Tasks:         Teaming, Task definition and Research Exchanges

Moderators: S. Ghosh, C. Woodward, T. Breitzman

1330-1430                Identification of Microstructure-based VE (experiments, characterization, modeling)

1430-1530                Identification of Property-based VE (experiments, characterization, modeling)

1530-1615                Upscaling Methods and Homogenization (experiments, modeling)

1615-1700                Summary and wrap-up