CEIMM Annual Review Meeting completed successfully

June 6, 2014

2014 CEIMM Annual Review Meeting was held on May 1-2, 2014 at the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel in Baltimore, MD. Faculty and students from the academic team, researchers in AFRL, program managers, and several members of the advisory board attended the meeting and had in depth discussion on the various projects in CEIMM.


The meeting was started with the opening speech of Prof. Somnath Ghosh, the CEIMM director, on the project overview, followed by some comments from the Program Managers, Drs. Chris Woodword, Tim Breitzman, and Fariba Fahroo, on their perspectives and expectations. Over the two days academic team presented context for their projects and review successes and areas that need further work on. Especially, they put an emphasis on showing the progress on integrating across material classes, showing which areas are advancing and others are problematic. As one of key aspects of CEIMM is in the integration across structure-properties-design, attendees discussed on what has been delivered to the team and what are the things needed from the team.


For more information on the agenda, click here.


Center for Excellence on Integrated Materials Modeling